• What MSSPs do
  • Evolving MSSP landscape
  • MSP vs MSSP vs MDR
  • Benefits of MSSP
  • Services offered by MSSPs
  • How to evaluate a managed security service provider?
  • How ManageEngine SIEM solutions empower MSSPs
  • Benefits of choosing
    ManageEngine SIEM for MSSPs

What MSSPs do

MSSPs provide outsourced security services and help manage and maintain the security systems of organizations. This includes undertaking some or all aspects of an organization's IT security functions. While the main focus of an MSSP is to ensure complete security monitoring and incident response, they can also provide security recommendations and policies to bolster the security system of an organization. With the core security functions outsourced, in-house teams can focus on other important security aspects of their network.

MSSPs are typically used to


Threat detection and response

One of the core responsibilities of an MSSP is to monitor the network of an organization and identify unusual activities or potential security threats. Also, they must be well-equipped to take prompt actions to respond to threats and minimize potential damage.


Manage vulnerabilities

Identifying and patching vulnerabilities proactively can reduce the risk of a potential breach. MSSPs constantly look for vulnerabilities and patch them before attackers can capitalise on it.


Incident management

In an unfortunate event of data breach or cyber attack, MSSPs will have a strong incident management plan in place. They also help organizations minimize the damage and guide them through the recovery process.


Security consultation

MSSPs can act advise organizations on how to improve their security posture by providing recommendations on security best practices, policies, and procedures.


Data protection

MSSPs can help organizations establish encryption, access control, and intrusion detection mechanisms that can reduce the risk of a data breach.


Compliance management

MSSPs play a vital role in ensuring that organizations adhere to important compliance standards, thereby helping them avoid penalties.

Evolving MSSP landscape

The MSSP industry has evolved a lot in the recent years. Now they offer different services including managed SIEM, SOC-as-a-service, and managed detection and response (MDR).These services help organizations strategize their security plans and keep their security posture up to date.


What is managed SIEM

a setup where an organization contracts a third-party to host the SIEM on their server and monitor the organization's network for security threats.


What is SOC-as-a service

a subscription based mechanism where a third-party operates and maintains a SOC for an organization.

Deciding what to outsource and how to do it is the major challenge for an enterprise.


Managed service providers (MSPs) provide technology services to organizations including general network and IT support, hardware and software maintenance, and infrastructure management. They provide basic security solutions like malware detection, threat monitoring, and more. However, their scope doesn't extend to deeper security functions such as vulnerability management, risk assessment, threat detection, and incident response.

On the other hand, MSSPs primarily focus on security services, providing constant monitoring, threat detection, incident response, and compliance management to ensure a robust defence against cyber threats. While MSPs and MSSPs are both third-party organizations, MSPs typically work out of network operation centers (NOCs) whereas MSSPs establish security operation centers (SOCs).

MDR is a subset within the MSSP domain. Their primary focus is threat detection and response, including malware detection, identifying unusual network activities, and detecting unauthorized access attempts. MDR teams analyze the situation, then provide remediation measures and recommendations to reduce the potential damage caused when a threat is detected.

In essence, while MSPs provide comprehensive IT management and support, MSSPs specializes in a wide range of security services solutions. MDR focuses on threat detection and incident response within the cybersecurity front.

Here's a tabular representation of the differences between the solutions.

Focus General IT management and support services Specialized in cybersecurity services Specialized in threat detection and incident response
Services offered IT infrastructure management, network monitoring, hardware and software support, data backup and recovery, etc. Threat detection, intrusion detection and prevention, firewall management, vulnerability assessments, security monitoring, incident response, etc. Advanced threat detection, continuous monitoring, incident analysis, incident response, threat hunting, etc.
Cybersecurity emphasis Basic security services might be included but not the primary focus Mainly focused on cybersecurity solutions and services Highly focused on proactive threat detection and rapid incident response
Expertise IT management and support Cybersecurity and specialized security tools Cybersecurity with threat detection and incident response as the primary focus
Target audience Organizations seeking overall IT management and support Organizations looking for comprehensive cybersecurity solutions Organizations concerned about advanced cyber threats and rapid response
Approach to security More reactive approach to security Both proactive and reactive approach to security Highly proactive approach to identifying and mitigating threats
Security monitoring Basic security monitoring might be included. Offers continuous security monitoring Intensive security monitoring and threat hunting for early detection
Incident Response May not offer specialized incident response services Offers incident response as part of the package Specialized in incident response, with rapid action and remediation

Benefits of MSSP

When it comes to security, MSSPs are one of the most reliable and dependable third-party services. Some of the benefits of employing n MSSP to take care of an organization's security requirements are:


Benefits of MSSP



MSSPs offer a strong team of cybersecurity professionals who stay up to date on emerging threats and security best practices to help organizations stay secured.


Incessant monitoring

MSSPs monitor an organization's network continuously, ensuring that no threat goes undetected.



Outsourcing security to an MSSP is cost-efficient compared to building an in-house security team.



Since MSSPs cater to the needs of organizations of all sizes, scalability never becomes an issue.


Advanced solutions

MSSPs stay updated and will have the most advanced solutions available in the market. This will improve the overall security posture of the clients they serve.

Services offered by MSSPs

MSSPs offer a wide range of security services that help organization understand and improve their security posture. This includes:


Services offered MSSPs


Consultation services

MSSPs can act as security consultants for organizations, providing relevant recommendations and best practices to secure an organization’s network, and improve their security.


Solution implementation

MSSPs can help deploy security solutions that can secure an organization's network.



MSSPs can also provide training for security teams to improve their efficiency.


Security monitoring

MSSPs can also help monitor an organization's network and detect security threats. Further, they can also help in conducting regular network audits to check identify security loopholes.


Configuration management

MSSPs can also help in making configuration changes based on the security requirements of an organization.


Security updates

Since MSSPs constantly monitor an organization's network, they can help identify outdated security features and update them.


Vulnerability and risk assessment

MSSPs can help detect vulnerabilities in an organization's network and evaluate their risk posture. Further, they can also help in patching the vulnerabilities, thereby avoiding potential attacks.

How to evaluate a managed security service provider?

Every organization needs to do a thorough analysis before selecting an MSSP. Some of the key things to look for are:


How to evaluate


Professional experience

It is important to check the track record of an MSSP and also check the certifications and proficiency of their security teams.


Scope of service

Having an understanding of the range of service offered by the MSSP and whether it aligns with the requirements of the organization is important.



Since the security requirements of every organization is different, customization plays a vital role when it comes to selecting an MSSP.


Response time

MSSPs must be prompt in detecting and responding to security threats.



Getting a few testimonials from other companies served by the MSSP can be a good way to evaluate the quality of service offered.

How ManageEngine SIEM solutions empower MSSPs

ManageEngine's SIEM offering is a cloud-based managed security solution that comes with real-time monitoring and rapid incident response. The solution is highly scalable and is equipped with cutting-edge technology that helps ensure the security of an organization's network in its entirety.

With a centralised client management console, client specific dashboards, and dedicated technician assignment and management, the solution makes it easier to manage multiple client environment without much of a fuss. Further, the solution is equipped with rule-based threat detection capabilities that help define threat detection mechanisms based on the requirements of an organization.

Benefits of choosing ManageEngine SIEM for MSSPs


Benefits of choosing


Flexibility and scalability

The solution is highly scalable and flexible. Also, it can be customized to meet the unique security requirements of organizations.


High availability

The solution provides high availability and operates continuously, thereby ensuring that there is no intervention.


Seamless client management

With centralized client management, it is easy to view and manage multiple clients from a single console.


Data security and privacy

The solution ensures that the data and privacy of every organization is highly secured and is not tampered with.



The solution's innate multi-tenancy allows MSSPs to efficiently handle multiple clients' security infrastructure without compromising their privacy.